About us

Closing of branches and representative offices of foreign businesses in Russia

We offer a full range of services to terminate accreditation and close a branch or representative office of
a foreign company
Why people come to us
Lack of local expert knowledge among the lawyers of the parent company
Saving expenses on personnel during the closing of a representative office or a
Option to transfer all the processes for closing (legal, tax, accounting, HR services)
We offer
Preparing documents to start the closing process (decision to close, power of attorney)

Sending notification concerning the termination of accreditation and
deregistration at tax authorities
Receiving a certificate of deregistration at a Federal Tax Service inspectorate

Administration of deregistration at extra-budgetary funds, deregistration at extra-budgetary funds

Deregistration at statistical authorities

Closing one account in a Russian bank
How we solve problems
Expert knowledge and experience of successful work with foreign businesses
Expert knowledge in related fields
Regular work with Russian banks servicing foreign businesses
Analysis of associated (adjacent) risks
Assistance in closure of branches and representative offices on a turnkey basis
Contact us
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