About us

Tax registration of foreign businesses

Obtaining a taxpayer identification number (INN) for non-resident company for the purpose of opening an account in a Russian bank, support in the account opening process
Why people come to us
Отсутствие знаний и опыта в российском праве у клиента из зарубежной юрисдикции
Сложности с подачей документов в ФНС/банк из другой страны
Нет опыта по аналогичным процедурам у внутренних юристов
Нет времени и иных ресурсов заниматься процедурой самостоятельно
We offer
Preparing and submitting a document package to the Federal Tax Service.

Consulting on the procedure.

Interacting with the Federal Tax Service and the bank.
Organizing certified translation of foreign language documentation, organizing notarial certification of copies of documents.
How we solve problems
Reducing the clients' expenses for dealing with Federal Tax Service and the
Offices in the cities of presence of the banks which the clients are interested in
Swift preparation and submission of documents
Service on a turnkey basis permits significant savings on the processes
Contact us
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